Monday, December 22, 2008


Listening, Meditating, and Agreeing
(Luke 1:26-38)
The last Sunday before Christmas
we heard a Gospel message
that invites us into imitation of the behavior of Mary.
She is disturbed by the words she hears,
this is not her plan…
...what could have happened to so change her world?

What is Mary’s response
to being disturbed, to being deeply troubled?
She ponders the words that have so disturbed her,
the words that are so troubling…
...she meditates on the Word.
She realizes in her meditation
that this disturbance, this troubling greeting
is of God, that it is Holy,
and she responds by agreeing... let God’s Will be done to her as God would have it.
She agrees…she agrees…

She simply agrees
to receive that overpowering presence of the Holy Spirit
that would forever change every plan
that had previously been made for her life.

This is the imitation we are invited into… be disturbed by the Word of God, meditate on the Word of God,
and to agree to be overpowered and over shadowed;
to give our whole bodies,
our whole lives
to that disturbing,
transforming presence within us…


Saturday, December 20, 2008


December 4, 2008

Dearest Members of St. John and St. Anne,

You are my brothers and sisters in Christ I can claim nothing less. God bless you all for what you doing in Christ’s name here in Rugari Parish. As I get emails from some of you or talk with some of you via SKYPE I thank God for the blessings of technology as the loneliness sometimes can be overwhelming, but then I get contact from home and feel rejuvenated once again.

Today I will share a bit of my experiences in the past two weeks, some difficult, some very happy. Let me start with two weeks ago when I was driving past a local police office. On one side of the road is a furniture shop where craftsmen make furniture and I was actually slowing and looking for one craftsman in particular who is building some small office tables for CRS, which is the American Catholic relief agency working here with CARITAS Goma. I have been helping to get this work done and wanted to check in how things were going, but instead, my attention came to rest across the road at the Commune de Goma Office. I saw 3 women arguing vehemently with some of the police officers. Mind you, these officers are carrying AK47’s and these brave women were just brandishing their umbrellas and pointing them at the guns and shouting. About what they were saying I could not know, but they were terribly upset. As this shouting match escalated I pulled off the side of the road just to see what was happening. As I sat watching this argument escalate they began pushing and shoving. A local businessman came to my car and apologized for what happens here in Congo. He felt badly that I was witnessing such a debacle in his country. We visited about the sad condition of things here as we continued watching to see what was going to happen. Then we saw women being grabbed, then fighting broke out with the women eventually being thrown to the ground and then I saw one soldier kicking one of the women and they then pulled the women, dragging them across the ground into their offices and I just sat there stunned and did nothing. I started to get out of the car, but then what would I do, what could I do. I would leave my car unattended, very dangerous thing to do here, and then what if I made a scene, what would that do to my position here in this country, would I be able to continue here or would they throw me out. My mind was racing with so many questions going through my mind. The man sharing this horror with me said he did not know if I could do anything or not, but he shared my horror and discontent for what we saw transpiring but he also did not interfere. We are stuck here in DRC between a rock and hard place. We hate so much of what we see and hear, but often feel powerless to do anything to stop it. This powerlessness sometimes can be so hard to deal with, especially for a woman from the States who has been able to live a life of so much ability to do, to decide, and to be proactive; then to live here and be in this situation of not being free, not being free to stay where you want because of fear of the soldiers who rob and kill at night, not being free to take the photos you want, not being free to be out in the evening after dark, not being free to say what you want, and so much more. It is an experience let me tell you.

That brings me to reports last week of three nights of robberies and some killings in Goma again. Hardly a week passes without some such events happening and most often it is reported that they are people who are wearing soldier uniforms. Also last week we got some security reports about some FARDC soldiers entering into KIBATI IDP Camp and raping some of the women. Then just this past weekend we heard that FARDC soldiers opened fire in the camp during the night and I heard that one of our Rugari youth was shot in the stomach and another was shot in the upper back. I don’t hold much hope for them, but have not heard if they have survived their wounds or not.

December 18, 2008

Now onto good news for this newsletter, I met an American freelance photojournalist who is here for a month on a grant to do a story on the rapes that occur as a result of the war. It turns out she is doing the story from our parish of Rugari on the 9 year old girl who was raped by the FARDC soldier. She has come with me three weekends to Rugari to finish her work. Her name is Sherrlyn Borkgren and her home is in Oregon. Sherrlyn’s work history has taken her from Guatemala to Iraq, but this is her first time to Africa. If her story gets published for sure I will let you know. She is planning to set up a fund to help this family so that the children can be assured of receiving an education!!!

Some exciting news is also about the wonderful renewal of life up on the mountain above the parish. I went for a hike up on the mountain this last Saturday, December 13th, and saw many farms that are coming back to life, land being tilled, homes being built, and cattle grazing.

It was so wonderful to hike in this mountain area I have only dreamed of seeing until now. For now we are safe to come and go all the area of the mountain behind our parish. This is a refreshing taste of freedom that I have not known here since I arrived.

Now we are hearing of MAI MAI and FDLR who are massing in the area above KIWANJA on the roads towards ISHASHA and VITSHUMBI, we know all is not settled yet. The people yearn so for peace that will last, peace that will be real.

Other sad news this week is the news of two NGO staff attacked on the road to RUTSHURU, one was killed and the other injured by gunfire. It was a robbery by armed forces, but which forces we will probably never know. Of course those who are anti-CNDP say it was they and those who are anti-PARECHO say it was they or MAI MAI or FDLR. The area where it happened is an area of deep bush and park terrain/wilderness. It will be very difficult to ever know the murderers.

Things are not so safe and not so free as we could ask. There is the area in Nyiragongo National Park where we look out every evening to see the smoke rising from the charcoal cairns that are the work of FDLR who are still hiding deep in the park and making the black market charcoal as part of their work to stay alive. They come to the road with the black market charcoal and sell it to the systems they have set up through the local population.

We are enjoying so much wonderful peace and freedom and lack of oppression in Rugari and up on the mountain, but as we sit in the evening enjoying the air and the view, we are reminded by the smoke plumes of the charcoal cairns simmering in Nyiragongo Park that the conflict is still simmering here in Eastern DRC.

Now I close to pray for that rebirth and renewal of Peace, of Love, and of Hope that we receive each Christmas time. The annual renewal of what it means to believe in the Christ child, in the Father of all Love, and in the miraculous that is wraught by the Holy Spirit.
Love to you all in the Peace of Christ,

Thursday, December 18, 2008


To tell you this story we have to go back in time one ago to November 15th. It was a planned trip to Kibumba Village for Saturday for the blessings of two couples who wished to married in the church. Then Abbe John Fidel had made arrangements with MONUC that we hoped to be able to arrive at the parish house and spend saturday night to be there early in the morning for Mass at Rugari. Then to my delight Abbe John Fidel informed me that Bishop Ngabu had asked him to return to the parish to live once again. He asked me if I was ready to do the same and I said I would. We are currently rebuilding life again at Rugari.

The above shows me with some of the children present at the church when we arrived. And you know how I love to greet children and of course you know how much children love having their photos taken. I couldn't miss this opportunity.

These lovely girls had dressed in the prettiest white with veils and pearls and pretty white hats to complement the brides who would be married this day. They were bashful but joyful in getting their pictures taken.

The youth sang and were part of the music for the day and they added so much to our celebration of the two marriages that day. They were a small but mighty force of great music that day.

I was impressed with the brides assistant who did not leave her side throughout the whole ceremony. Her hands on her shoulders as this bride spoke her wedding vows. This meaningful gesture was also imparted on each person in their turn as those who stood up with them supported them by laying hands on them.

For me it was interesting to note all the similarities that are part of the service that can so feed my soul, but also to celebrate the richness and meaning of other parts of the service I have never experienced before...

It was truly beautiful and it reminded me of the wonderfulness of being here in this time and this place...for times like this and so much more.

After Mass on Sunday at Rugari I got in the car and headed up the road to Rubare to visit with Bahati's had been two months of intense fighting, running, living as internally displaced, and we all had lived stories we wish had never happened. I just had to visit and see how they were doing now that we were all returning to our homes.

On the way I saw one of the rare tourism sites I have had since my arrival way back in February.

This troupe of baboons was traveling down the road and didn't move too fast as we stopped in the road to see this fun sight.

This was as close as we got before they all disappeared into the forest. Notice the little baby hanging on underneath this mother baboon as she headed into the bush and was gone from view in seconds.

When I arrived at the home of Bahati's parents I inspected the bullet holes in the roof. Fortunately most is on one side of the house. The walls in front have only 4 spots where you can see bullets hit and fortunately the house is so solidly built that they just managed to nick out the cement by less than 1/2 inch. The tougher part is replacing the tin sheeting so the rain can be kept OUTSIDE WHERE IT IS NEEDED, instead of inside on the beds.

Family portraits are always so wonderful...but after living through war times together, there is poignancy close to unexplainable. We are so grateful for our lives and we are so saddended by those whose lives are lost.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Travel to Rugari for Sunday Masses

November 10, 2008

Dearest family and friends,
Peace and grace to you from God our Father. Those words are ringing in my head again. I have so much to tell I am at a loss as to where to begin. Many of you know well my sojourn and how events have come to pass that have placed such longing deep in my heart to continue this work that has lit such a fire in my heart…or would it be the love of Christ which has lit such a fire; in my mind they are one and same!

This past weekend I joined with people facing unbelievable hardship, gathering for Sunday worship…worship that has not stopped because of the war that encompasses their lives. Worship of God to whom they continue to give praise, to whom they continue to give all trust…for I hear over and over it will be only God who can deliver them from this war that has ruled life here in eastern Congo for the last 14 years. They sang with joy, but also their hearts know much mourning. This was a place where many people died in the past weeks. Now they are seeing a relative calm and the fight has traveled away from their area for the time being and they are grateful for this space to breath again some relative time of peace. Peace is so relative here, relativity reigns.

If you look on your maps the worship we attended was in Rumangabo, the location of the military base that has been taken by CNDP. After this worship and a class for those preparing to be parish workers, we were invited to eat a meal. It was so delicious. This meal included boiled potatoes, a vegetable called sombe, beans similar to kidney beans cooked with onions, and the most delicious thing I have tasted since my arrival…a dish of stewed champignon (mushrooms). It was so delicious I can see it and taste again just thinking about it. One kilogram of these mushrooms sells for $2 and we ate it all, this was a feast for sure. After our fabulous meal we thanked all who had received us and gave them encouragement for their days still to come, knowing this is not yet over and we cannot know what will come yet again to this area. We climbed back into the car and headed back down the road to visit the parish house of Rugari before returning to Goma.

At Rugari we checked in on the condition of things at the house and see some small things the local population are doing to get back to work at the parish. They are again working a bit on the grounds; flowers and grass are being tended. We visited the puppies who are growing and missing there formative months of training and so just want to jump and play and have very sharp teeth. Another pup has joined them smaller than the first two and so our family is growing and we are not even there to help them become good dogs…BAH HUMBUG. After our visit at the house we added one more to our number for the return to Goma; the charismatic evangelist of the church joined us so that he could visit his brother who is staying in Goma. This is the same man whose 9-year-old a FARDC soldier raped and with whom I have yet to follow up with because of the war that has consumed the village and our lives here. We had a car full of people and so I felt unable to have this conversation with him.

We were six people in the car and passed down the road without any problem, that is until we reached the barrier set up by FARDC. Many trucks were stopped and as is customary we continued past them to be allowed through the road block, but to my surprise the soldier stopped us and asked now for the Congolese in the car to show their identification…and then he asked the evangelist to get out of the car; instantly I knew it was because this man looks like a Tutsi. Seeing him called out of our car I felt the fear in my belly build….knowing this was a moment I could only sit through all the while my mind was screaming, “No, No!” Waiting and watching with every fiber of attention all the while trying to look not too concerned…not wanting to make a scene or start something that could escalate out of control all too fast. How many times have I said to people in the past few weeks, bullets don’t know friend or enemy…stay quiet, stay low…now I find myself trying to follow my own advice. The place is very public and there are people enough around and so we wait…NONCHALANTLY. Then we see him being set free and walking toward the car; he is coming, the look on his face one I will never forget…it is a look of relief, even a bit of a smile, but there is a fearful knowledge on his face, he can never be innocent again, innocent to believe all is good and well in the world. There is a shadow behind his eyes of one who knows what it is like to be a target because of the way he looks, because he resembles one who comes from the wrong tribe…this is one of the awful realities here in eastern Congo.

In these days of continued fighting I find myself telling people here of the civil war America suffered because of the color of peoples skins and the sins of slavery, I tell them of the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr. and his I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH. Then I tell them of the importance of celebrating together in the election of OBAMA and I say, their civil war will also end…how and when…we wait… The suffering continues… inflicted on the citizens of eastern Congo by all parties to the conflict…another sad, sad reality to life here. Please hold these people in your prayers and we thank you all for the financial and spiritual support to the endeavors we are about here for the Parish of Rugari, North Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo.

A bit of good news about our projects is that the funding for building of rainwater cisterns is coming in from St. John Lutheran and after discussions with an engineer also working out in our area we hope that perhaps in one month we can be able to start this building project for the dispensary of Rugari … if the calm continues. We hope and pray it will be so. And we will build with cement and stone so that bullets cannot ruin this cistern; it will stand the test of time and of war. We are also looking again to another NGO to give us more medicines for the dispensary as well, our stock is again very low…but the patients continue to come. I hope to visit there this Saturday when we go out once again to the parish…if the calm continues. So I conclude this story with the prayer ….DEAR LORD LET THE CALM CONTINUE.

Yours in the peace and love of Christ,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


October 13, 2008

Dear Friends of Rugari Parish,
Today I want to write just a letter; a letter to describe the past few days here at Goma and Rugari Parish. During the week just past, I found myself with a car to drive and what an experience that has been. I actually feel bad driving around instead of walking; it makes me look rich when I am not and I miss the exercise which helps both my body and my mind. The one thing the car has afforded me is to go more places, more quickly but I am not sure that means I have accomplished a whole lot more. For sure it has saved me some money because the distances I have traveled would have been by motorcycle taxi and that would have cost me dollars and to drive this car has been free. In that sense I have been able to save my supporters at St. John’s some money….YAHOO!!!

Now let me tell you about going to the nice supermarket here in Goma, it is called Kivu Market. Kivu Market is a bit like going into a nice market in the States…a bit; the inner aisles are filled with canned or packaged foods and home care items; the perimeter with fresh meats, fruits, breads, cakes, etc. The items are not from the States but made to look very similar and you pay a GOOD PRICE for your choices (AVERY HIGH PRICE). But we can find some pretty good items we cannot find any other place; if we are really missing something from home we just might be able to find something very near to the same at Kivu Market. One of the big differences at Kivu Market is going from the car, into the market and returning.

Let me explain, as I stopped one day last week I got out of the car, went into the back seat to get my backpack and turning around as I shut the door was faced with a most gruesome site. Standing behind me was a young woman, late teens or early twenties, with a hole where her nose was supposed to be. She was saying something to me that was totally intelligible to me. I knew she was asking for money, but her words I could not understand because of the way the sounds came out from the hole in the middle of her face where her nose was supposed to be. I had to look away…I am used to seeing many people with horrible injuries asking for money in these situations, but this one was really a shock to my system. The nasal labial folds of her nose were there but all the rest was gone, the skin was caved into the gaping hole and the pink mucous tissue was easily seen from outside. It was like looking at something your not supposed to see, it felt like an invasion of her privacy….I can’t imagine what it must feel like for her.

Then as I returned to the car after purchasing some good bread, two croissants, and a bottle of water, I was met by another woman; one whom I am used to seeing at Kivu Market. She has had injury to her left lower lip and jaw, her deformity leaves her also unable to speak clearly, her tongue doesn’t move properly because part of her lower jaw is missing; the boundary her tongue needs to speak normally is gone. And of course, she is in need of money as well. Both of these women have encountered some violence that caused these injuries; what violence I will never know. I wanted to stay and ask the girl without the nose what had happened, how this tragedy came to her life, but I knew I would not be able to understand her, so I just walked away…it was a difficult walk and one that is still bothering me.

A shopping trip to the Kivu Market is both blessing and curse; you must be ready to face tragedy of this sort to find your coveted possessions.

Then a wonderful trip from last Sunday, Abbe John Fidel and I were able to go to Kibumba IDP Camp so that he could say Mass. But this was not just your regular, ordinary, every Sunday Mass; this was a Mass that included 65 infants, teenagers, and adults baptized and 30 others partaking in their First Holy Communion. We arrived at 8:30am to find people beginning to gather for their first Confession, others placing tarps over the wooden frame in the open field. Two tarps were placed over the area of the Altar but the benches where the congregation sat was open to the bright morning sun. The air was warm and the sun felt good, even a bit too warm in the beginning. We had seen the full clear beauty of Nyiragongo Volcano on the drive up from Goma, but as the morning progressed the clouds and cool air began to arrive.

After visiting with a number of the candidates for baptism and communion, I walked into the center of Kibumba IDP Camp to visit the dispensary where I have worked from time to time and the site for which St. Anne donated the funds to purchase one months worth of medicines. I could not fathom being so close and not stopping to say hello to my colleagues working there. I visited with the few patients hoping to encourage them in some way. One was a small child very ill with Malaria. Then I visited the maternity ward; there were 5 mothers with new infants from the night. Obviously the nurses had been working all night in assisting these 5 births. All mothers and babies were doing well. Many patients were coming into the queue already at that early hour, patients are many at the camp, especially now because the population has grown again due to the renewed fighting. As I walked through the camp, I saw so many signs of malnutrition and hunger…people are so thin and I see that on a daily basis in Goma as well. Hunger for food, for justice, for progress, for development, for peace,…HUNGER!!!

I returned from my visit to the dispensary to see progress on our makeshift church coming along beautifully. They had placed a tarp on the dirt then placed a small table for the Altar; the lectern was in place, as well as the credence table. Chairs were being placed for those who would assist in the Mass, the musicians were assembling, and the line for confessions was moving as one by one they went in to visit with Abbe John Fidel. The air was becoming cooler by the minute, the music started and the sound system seemed to be functioning. Everyone stood as we sang the entrance hymn and Mass had begun. The grounds were jammed packed with people of all ages. We progressed through the lessons, the gospel, the homily and began the baptism portion of the service. It was in the middle of the baptisms that the rain began to fall, light at first, then pouring from the heavens as if it would be the next flood of the world. Those of us under the two tarps remained relatively dry, but those coming forward for baptism and then communion were drenched to the bone. Children were standing in the rain shivering, the choir continued to sing for all they were worth and the sounds of rain, thunder, music, words of baptism and communion filled our senses. It was a site to behold, water running down the faces, dripping through the tarps, moving the bible, the Eucharist, the credence to keep things in a spot where water wasn’t dripping, seeing the bottoms of robes worn by attendants and priest becoming splattered with mud and drenched in water. The water flowing across the earthen floor becoming pools of brown water we were all treading through. Finally as we were finishing Mass the rain began to slow, it was after Mass when the rain finally stopped for a period of time. What an experience that was….WOW!!!

Now after a wonderful celebration as this, we were afforded the wonderful Congolese hospitality; we were invited into a room of the school where IDP’s are staying and fed a wonderful meal of potatoes, beans, rice, and meat cooked in a wonderful sauce. It was delicious, but as I sat gazing out the window it was hard for me to think of eating such sumptuous food while seeing the hunger all around me, but I also knew that this hospitality was so important to receive graciously…

We prayed, asking God’s blessings on the food, giving thanks for all who had been joined to Christ through Baptism and who had been nourished in their First Communion, and then we ate the food with great relish; it tasted so good. We discussed many things at this meal including the problems of progressing education for those within the camp. It seems the government again, as always, pays some teachers but not all. We in that discussion were of one mind that an extra effort needs to be made by the government to see that all teachers for camps are paid. These are the poorest of the poor in this country and in this situation of war, they are the ones most in need of progressing their education and least able to pay. We discussed news of recent fighting as this is uppermost on everyone’s minds. Then we called MONUC officers at Rugari to double check that all was quiet there and if we were able to arrive to check the house and collect some of our belongings.

We got in the car and headed up the road to our village of Rugari, the rain had started to fall once again. Our visit to Rugari parish was short; we unlocked doors, saw the status of things, went to our rooms and collected what we wanted to take with us for this day. I got some extra clothes, my French language study aids, my radio, and my shaver; I had found myself missing these coveted possessions in the 6 weeks since we have been gone from the parish house of Rugari. I still have many items at Rugari, hoping against hope we can return again some day in the not too distant future.

The flower garden is now in full bloom after the good tending it had received in the time we were staying there; roses in the back are amass with beautiful blooms of many hues and the courtyard between the house and church are full of the deep red of amaryllis and white and yellow of daisy blossoms. It was beautiful, even in the rain coming steadily down. We left the house and it felt difficult, we don’t know when we can come back and we don’t know if the house will be intact when we do. War leaves one in the unknown. We pray MONUC will maintain their position there giving the added security, we are afraid of the looting and vandalism that could happen again as it did in the fighting from last year…we are so grateful for the presence of MONUC.

We headed back down the road to the steady drizzle of the rain; it was a quiet ride home. Our return in Goma was shortly after 5pm, we had left at 7am; it had been a long day and we felt the fatigue, for me much of it emotional. It was good to be back in Goma, our trip had been successful and yet we can only rest in the unknown. For that Sunday we were able to accomplish a wonderful thing, what will come in the future at Rugari Parish we must wait to see. ONE DAY AT A TIME…SWEET JESUS…ONE DAY AT A TIME…

Well, this has been my letter of small bits of life here in Goma and Rugari from the past week, hope that helps you to imagine what it is like. I wanted to try drawing some pictures with words instead of photos this time.

Take Care and God Bless,

Thursday, October 2, 2008


This blog post is going to be a bit different...

A bit of a collage...

Pictured here are the young folks who helped me find my way in Nairobi, Kenya. This is Charles and his friend Josephine at the Osewe Restaurant in downtown Nairobi Sunday afternoon after church. AAAHHHH THAT WAS A GOOD DAY!

And we ate deliscious traditional LUO food.

These two fellows are colleagues with Charles and work for him in his sound studio. They were in charge of the sound system for the Pentacostal worship service we attended.

Can't say enough good things about the ROSA MYSTICA RETREAT CENTER in NAIROBI...

...just go there to stay when you are in KENYA.


and while you are there enjoy prayer and meditation in the beautiful chapel.

...the tea plantations of Kenya...

and just the beautiful countryside of Kenya... is stunningly beautiful...

I had to was the season of road construction...

and Kenya is doing the high tech, good quality type of road construction... so is Rwanda.

This huge and beautiful Catholic Church next to the house where I am staying in Kigali, Rwanda is a real testament of faith. It has been designed and built solely through the work and finances of the congregation. No funding came through the Diocese to accomplish this construction.

And the most wonderful thing is that music ministry seems to be there strong suit. Hardly a day passes when I have walked by without listening to some WONDERFUL MUSIC. Especially fine traditional music including these drummers who were preparing to help celebrate the Mass.

Here is a photo op for Robin and Jen, wife and daughter of Pastor John Rutsindintwarane. He is the General Secretary of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda. I have finally met this man who I got in touch with by email well over a year and half ago....and wow what exciting ministry he has going. And have really enjoyed getting to know this family

Well, I just had to volunteer to help for my second church service with them...and they asked me to preach. It has been a real treat to be part of Lutheran services again and to be able to participate more fully...AAHHHHH!!!! SWEET!

Now I will close leaving you with a poem I wrote on Saturday morning last weekend. I had spent 3 long days traveling by bus returning to Kigali with our books for NKOKWE...


What must it feel like to be descended upon by vultures while still alive?
I am reminded of the picture of a starving child sitting in the dust somewhere in Africa with a vulture sitting patiently at a distance…
…waiting for his time to feed from the weakening, dieing child.
Did the child have yet the strength to know his life was ebbing from his weakened frame, did he have yet the strength to fight, to get angry…?

To be descended upon by vultures…
…that is the experience I liken to descending from a bus into the balmy warm air of a night in Kigali, Rwanda.
I descend into the midst of bodies crying out to me
grasping at my arms and my luggage and my attention.
Each wanting a piece of me…a piece of my money really,
it’s not me they want, but my money.
My skin has become a burden to me now and in these times when the vultures are there seeking to take from me all that I have,
I feel my life blood seeping out of me and I feel my weakening condition.
And then I get angry; angry at the situation of the world that fosters such behavior and grasping need.
But I get angry with the individuals also,
is there no shame for them in their behavior
that they will take advantage of me because of my color,
because of my WEALTH…HAH. I scorn the thought.
In my life I have not seen myself as wealthy…
but I can understand how the vultures see me as wealthy,
for they do not see me and my situation, but they see the paradigm of wealth portrayed by so many tourists and visitors who arrive;
those who live much higher on the scale than I.
They see the scale of wealth they’ve become accustomed to
in television, Internet, and journals.
They see a different kind of wealth than I enjoy or even aspire to.
I have lived my life simply,
forgoing the seeking of wealth on the scale that they see.
So now I pay the price, I am unable to pay the small fees for their help,
for a taxi instead of a bus, or for an extra pair of hands to help me carry my luggage.
And I get angry again when I am asked a higher fee for the bus
...because my skin is white instead of black.
I get tired of injustice in the world at these times…
…but more than that, I just get tired,
I feel the life seeping out of me,
I am no longer a living, breathing human being,
but a bit of food for the vultures to feed from…
I am drained by the presence of vultures descending to see what they can pick from my carcass.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Most Difficult Story...

Today I bring to you the most difficult story for me so far. I bring to you the story of one family of our Rugari parish, just another in a long list of the most difficult life stories. This is the story of the charismatic evangelist for the Catholic church at Rugari and his family.

He lives with his wife and 6 children in this home built using the materials available from the surroundings. Their home, built of wood and volcano rock, sits nestled among many such homes; trees and volcano rock the environment they share. This is the same man who has helped at each moment in the work of the parish.

Here we are on the day we moved the tables and items from the clinic up on the hill down to the new clinic by the road.
In these photos we are cleaning the bed that I brought down to our house by the road so that I could have a good solid bed instead of the metal sagging bed I had been using….we were having such a good day, the sun was bright and warm and life was good. This was a good time.

On the weekend of the Vitshumbi youth trip I was asked by this man if I could help somehow to provide some money so that he could take his 9 year old daughter to follow up care at the Rutshuru hospital.
A FARDC soldier had accosted her on the road as she returned from the clinic and raped her. This rape occurred mid-morning Tuesday the week of the Vitshumbi weekend. As the child was headed for school after getting medicine from the clinic, this FARDC soldier took her from the road and raped her very near to the road. This is part of the life of war here in Congo.

This is the child whose life is now marked by a sad and tragic event. As I visited with her in their home I asked if I could have some photos. Both she and her father agreed, but for the longest time this child was unable to make direct eye contact. But as time went on she became more and more comfortable with my presence.

Of course my presence at their home called for many children to come and see what was going on with an Mzungu visiting them.
So of course I needed to get more photos of all the visitors.

Then we went outside so we could get some great outdoor photos.

One child visiting us was lifted up as a very special person because of his difference. They even asked that he be in a photo just by himself to show his special status, it was a way of saying he is highly regarded.

Here is his photo; I was so impressed with the special deference, attention, and affection he was held in by the villagers, his friends and neighbors present. What a love and acceptance of one who was different. I am unable to bring to mind the medical condition this boy has, but the adults present say that at this time he is progressing well with his studies at school and has no affects of pain or deficit from his condition. He is loved and held in high esteem here.

Another element is the story of this little girl’s youngest brother who, in this photo with his mother, rests snuggled close to her back by a wrap, freeing her hands and head for other work as she goes about her day to day work.
This is the first time I had visited their home and she was very happy to receive me, to join in our photos and to tell more of the stories of their life. This was my first visit, but I look with hope to the day I can drop in for a visit again, I know I will enjoy!!!

This youngest brother has quite a severe umbilical hernia. I have seen many of these here in Africa and have heard many stories of these defects that eventually heal and are fine, but also I have heard and seen of those that became strangulated and the child dies. It is a chance one takes to wait and see if it will close on its own, but it is often the only option for those who live in poverty such as this.

Another verse of this song is the eldest daughter who arrived in the middle of my visit. She came carrying a basket on her head and when she saw me visiting she immediately put the basket and cushion from her head and ran to change. She refused a photo as she arrived carrying her basket on her head and seemed embarrassed for this, the adults present tried to force her to stand for such a photo but she very angrily refused and as the adults tried to insist I intervened and said it was not good to force if she felt uncomfortable. The adults present accepted this saying they could understand that it was in fact a violence to force someone to do what they felt uncomfortable doing. Here is her photo after she had changed and came to join us and I read in her face still a fierce anger.
For me this is the face of a young woman who feels trapped by her circumstances.

I end this story with these last group photos.

Family photos with many stories intertwined; this is a story of love and faith, difficulty and adversity, hope and thanksgiving, anger and helplessness, tenacity and endurance...
This is a story like so many lives, touched by all the valleys and mountains of life, they face this life with the sure conviction of their faith in Jesus as the risen Savior of all nations and tribes.